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Westwood, California, United States

Friday, November 19, 2010

A new tomorrow (Written the night Obama was elected president)

We did it! We are part of history now, and all of us have contributed to make it happen!
Just think for a moment, that in one hundred years, all of us living in the planet now will be gone, but this moment in time, will live for hundreds of years in the future; it will be a source of inspiration that future leaders will come back to, to govern intelligently and wisely. This moment in time will be engraved in history books and oral traditions. Our children, their children and grandchildren will be reading about it and talking about it, passing it to future generations.
They said, after 9/11, to never forget. Tragedies are bumps in the road that make us stronger to continue, but that in my opinion, are better to be forgotten once they suit their purpose. Obama's victory will be indelible from our minds and hearts, because it represents the hope that moves nations and entire generations to work hand in hand to rebuilt what's being destroyed and to change what doesn't work anymore.
So, let's roll our sleeves, all of us, in our minds, our homes, our jobs, our neighborhoods, our cities, our country, our planet, because the moment is now, this historical moment that will put us on the road for change, for a better future. Let's do it more with deeds than words, more with passion that just a sense of duty or necessity, and let's do it for the good of all concerned.
Last night I cried, when I saw the tears in black people's faces. I saw a country redeeming itself after centuries of racial divisions, a country capable of reinventing itself in the face of a new century, a nation looking ahead without fear. I feel lighter today, and I feel everything is possible, for all of us, for all the people like me, that came to this country looking for a better life and future. Today, more than ever before, I feel that I belong!

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