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Thursday, October 11, 2007

The modern pregnancy

Fifty years ago, women used to get pregnant by the ancient technique of making love with a man.
A single night of passion or misstep with husbands, lovers, strangers and other sorts, was more than enough to get even the most careful girl pregnant.

Everyday worries, didn't have sophisticated names like stress, depression or Attention Deficit Disorder. They were life problems that were dealt with as they appeared.

Today, things have changed. Husbands and lovers are now competing with infallible super creators: donors.

These anonymous Casanovas, without a name, with features only visible on paper, offer women perfect sperm to conceive "a la carte" children. Free of illness and with enviable IQ's.

Besides, women are waiting until they're 35 or older to have babies, either to maintain an independent life, because they cannot afford it, or because new technologies offer ways of artificial conception, that buys them more time.  Whatever the reason, women are seeing pregnancy with different eyes.

In these times we are living, many women are choosing to be alone or have families by themselves. Nobody has time to date or fall in love, much less to commit. Drastic circumstances lead to equally drastic decisions.

Families play a big roll too, either to help or in detriment of couples trying the conventional way to bare children.  Parents and direct family inflict great pressure on couples, especially on women, many times being that the reason for the difficulties to conceive.  The desire to be a parent becomes an obligation, and this  pushes women and their partners to seek all kinds of extreme procedures to create a new life. When and how to bring a child into this world, is an entirely individual decision. The rest is unnecessary stress.

The possibility to extend the age or the methods of conception today, are still "in diapers" compared to what the future will bring.  New generations will probably have babies beyond the age of 50, and new procedures will be so common that individuals and couples will be able to afford them.

Fifty years into the future, people will remember how women in the first part of the 21st century used to get pregnant utilizing the conventional ways of donors, frozen or donated eggs, in-vitro, or artificial insemination. And they will probably realize that the most effective of all is still the one that nature intended... making love with a man.

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